The Civilized Explorer
Burning Man Site
Burning Man Table of Contents
The Civilized Explorer Burning Man Web site provides information for the
experienced participant on the niceties of PVC vs. ABS, for the first time
participant on what to take, and for the more mature participant who needs some
pointers on how to survive hundred degree days in style. We provide Tales from
Black Rock, some of which are obviously the product of drug- addled paranoid
fantasies and some of which are decidedly accurate recollections of all too
real events; we leave you to distinguish between the two. We also have a ton of
photographs of mind- blown people, incredible art, alternative transportation,
and just plain folks.
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| Annual Guides | Perennial Guides | Reno Resources | Related Articles, Links, and more
Annual Guides
- Some dust and some rain in 2014

- Mild temperatures, but we had enough rain to shut down entry into Burning Man on Monday.
- Forest fire in 2013
- Mild temperatures again but the playa was in a haze with smoke from a distant fire.
- Overhyped in 2012
- Despite all the angst and drama, it was a nearly normal event with perhaps the best Exodus ever.
- 2011 - Maybe the best weather ever?
- No dust storms, mild temperatures, all around great weather!
- Full dose of weather - 2010
- Rain, cold, hot, dust, wind, and more.
- More dust - 2009
- Not as bad a dusting as 2008, with much pleasant weather between the storms.
- All we were was dust in the wind
- An overview of one of the dustiest burns, with the burning of the Man delayed by a storm in 2008.
- Two, two, two mints in one
- Two burns for the price of one in 2007.
- Burning Man has grown
- Complaints already about the 2007 theme.
- A lovely experience till the end
- A brief overview of the 2004 burn, with one reference to a pair of female anatomy.
- The Best Seat at any Burn
- How to get the best seat every time. Guaranteed. (2004)
- How to Leave Burning Man (2004)
- Burning Man 2003
- Art, survival, and love. We had (we think) the best weather ever this year, with a bit of dust. Our overview of the 2003 event.
- Growth and Change, part dieux
- The event continues to evolve, and we continue to enjoy it.
- Moop Zombies
- For those who don't know, Moop Zombies are the people who do the clean up after Burning Man (moop is Matter Out Of Place, i.e., trash). Here are a few photos showing the length to which BMOrg goes to ensure no moop is left behind. All props to the DPW!
- Fewer citations, more medical treatment at Burning Man
- An article from the San Francisco Chronicle (it has some inaccurate numbers due to the earliness of the report) on the 2003 event.
- Yearround calendar
- Links to events and parties year 'round -- fund raisers, work parties, art, and more, these parties take place all over the world. Use the calendar to find parties and to list yours for others to find.
- Satellite image
- You'll get a wide angle view of the playa with the layout of Black Rock City dimly etched on the surface. Drag the slider all the way up to the plus sign, and you should be looking at the comm vans. Click on the picture, then use your cursor arrows to scroll straight up to center camp, or use your hand grabber to drag the photo around.
- Burning Man 2002
- Our overview of the 2002 event with its balmy weather (and they finally
licked the PortaPottie problem!).
- Growth and Change
- An essay about the past and future.
- Burning Man 2001
- A brief overview of the event; strong language.
- PortaPotties 2001
- We start 2001 off with a rant: Stop putting garbage in the
- BM2K
- Our report on the windiest Burning Man that we've seen -- er, participated in.
- Burning Man 1999 -- The Year We Froze Our Buns Off
- A quick update of what the 99 burn was like, with a few photos.
- Burning Man 1998
- A brief overview of our adventure in 1998.
- The Civilized Explorer at Burning Man: 1997
- A brief overview of our civilized life at BM'97.
- The Mature Person's Guide to Burning Man
- The Civilized Explorer report on BM'96 and how persons of a, er, uh, more
mature age can survive and thrive in a desert with sensory overload. One
of the people pictured is top- free; profanity.
- Louise at Burning Man
- A personal experience on the desert at Burning Man 1996. Profanity.
- Search this site
- Can't find what you need? Use Google to search our site.
- Alerts for 2009 August 25, 2009
- Information on the playa, the roads, and more.
- A Brief Guide for First Timers
- A few hints on what to expect and how to survive your first trip to Burning Man.
- A Guide for Second Timers
- Now that you have been to Burning Man, you know you need to do it better next year. Here are a few hints and resources for making your personal Burn better.
- Things You Did Not Know You Would Need at Burning Man
- A limited list of some of the items that will make survival more civilized.
- How to get help on the playa
- When you are trying to leave after the event, things can fall apart: your battery may be dead, the car just won't start, flat tires -- things like that. Here's how to get help.
- Radios on the Playa
- If you want to use a radio on the playa, here are some tips and requests from the guys at our Playa 911 service.
- Don't vandalize the art at Burning Man
- This has become a serious problem as the quality of the art has improved and so has the cost of the art. Although some of the artists may plan on burning their art on the playa, many of the works are permanent and will be shared with others off the playa. Please, leave the art alone. Read the heart-breaking damage done to works of love.
- Liquid-Free
- If you are flying to Burning Man, this page lists liquid-free alternatives for hair, body, and tooth care. Some are alternative, eco-friendly cleansers, and some are dried cleansers to which you add water.
- Reno's 411: The Civilized Explorer
- An interview with Louise about her work on the Reno Resource pages.
- A Dork's Guide to Surviving Burning Man
- Brian Foote's excellent advice keys in on how to have a good time on your first trip.
- Health and Safety
- BMOrg's very helpful section on health and safety. It explains what to do if you get hurt or sick while at Burning Man and some of the limitations of the on-site medical facilities. In addition to health, the links include information on fuel storage, food permits, asthma, diabetes, and pregnancies on the playa, and much more. Scan the menu bar on the right for helpful, informative links.
- The Gerlach Web cam
- Updates every 15 seconds, for not apparent reason. See what small town America is really like. Really, really small.
- Burners Without Borders in Peru
- This group gets nowhere near the credit and praise it deserves. The San Francisco
Chronicl has an article on the volunteers doing relief work in Peru. Each person in
the effort makes a valued contribution; be sure to read about Rich and Sam.
- Burners bring help to victims of Katrina
- People in Mississippi were stunned to learn that Burners Without Borders would demolish their houses for free. The going rate to knock down a house was in the neighborhood of ten grand; Burners Without Borders did a million dollars worth of demolition for nothing, collected up all the debris, made art out of it, then burned it. Great article in the September 5, 2006, edition of the Reno Gazette- Journal about how hard it is for normal people to get a handle on currency- free Burning Man. Read the whole article - it's great all the way through.
- Working for the Man
- Great story on the DPW volunteers and the incredibly great job they do. There's also a tribute to the people going to the Burn: After the event, the DPW scours the playa and gets only enough trash to fill six 55-gallon drums. Twenty or thirty thousand people for a week, and that's all the debris left behind.
- Black Rock Bicycles
- This is a Reno business that rents and sells new and used bicycles for Burners. Send an email or call early to reserve a bike; used rentals are harder to come by as the Burn approaches. Their location is not downtown, so be sure to ask about how to get there.
- Burning Bikes
- Drop by this tribe.net site for resources not only for bicycling, but recycling, clothing, and great imagery -- everything Burning Man stands for. Ride your bike at Burning Man.
- Dekochari bicycles
- Video of Japanese dekochari bikes. Artistic children of dekotora trucks. Great soundtrack.
- Trek
- Links to sites with information on travel in areas tourists do not go. Helpful for burners.
- Reno Gazette-Journal Burning Man Guide
- This is an excellent site to get a handle on what Burning Man is like -- video, still photos, reports, along with road conditions, weather, and news reports about the local love/hate relationship with a large scale event on Black Rock.
- Bathing with little or no water
- Tips from Adventure Network.
- Broken tent pole quick fix
- Tips from Adventure Network.
- Travel John
- A handheld portapotty. The Web page says it is unisex and nonspill. Do not drop it in a portapotty after use! Take it home with your regular trash. (They also sell a 5.7mm pistol which shoots a round capable of penetrating body armor at extended distances with a lead-free projectile to eliminate environmental concerns. We still don't want those projectiles laying around on the playa, however.)
- In the washroom
- For those lunkheads who cannot remember how to use a toilet, here are detailed instructions.
- Building Community at Burning Man
- One way to build community at Burning Man is with a well- run community kitchen. Chef Juke leads the way.
- Quick Meals on the Playa
- Links to resources for meals which require little or no preparation.
- Chef Juke's Hints on Food Storage
- On the playa, Chef Juke rules! Here are his hints on keeping your food cool for the entire event.
- Wheelchairs on the Playa
- Burning Man's tips and hints on camping with your chair.
- Hot Wheelz Camp
- Mobility on the playa via Hot Wheelz Cartz with hand controls, an accessible theme camp, charging power, and more!
- Charging Systems for Extended Campouts
- How to keep your batteries charged without those evil generators.
- Alternative Energy Zone
- We don't need no stinking generators. The Alternative Energy Zone has been at Burning Man
for years -- solar and wind power. Very helpful information and resources for books, desert
camping, designs, and suppliers. Lots of first person experiences and photos to make it all
virtually real.
- Desert power (without lots of generators)
- Okay, so you think you need a stinking generator. Brad Templeton's page tells how to set yourself up so you're not as obnoxious as you could be. Lots of information on LEDs, 12V fluorescent lighting, and other options to cut down on your need for recharging your batteries.
- How to Wreck your Battery
- Information from a presentation by a battery salesman
- Why Would Anybody Do This to Themselves?
- Do these pages make you wonder? Maybe you should not go.
- Survival Guide
- This is the official BMOrg guide, with a list of links alongside the page. Read carefully.
- Burning Man Survival Guide
- This is the Black Rock Ranger guide, and it may give a year which has
passed, but don't worry -- the tips are timeless. Print it out, read it, take
it with you, and read it again.
- Adventure Kits
- Resources for first aid kits, training, and medevac.
- Health and Safety
- BMOrg's tips on first aid, safety, coping with pregnancy and diabetes, and more. We suggest reading the whole thing.
- Links to Bizarre Pages of Burning Interest
- This page provides bizarre resources which some may find helpful for living
on the playa for the week or so of Burning Man. How bizarre. How bizarre.
- Home-made baby wipes
- Nothing beats the satisfaction of rolling your own baby wipes -- except the glory of doing it with a table saw.
Items with an * are printable -- helpful addresses and telephone numbers
for stores, restaurants, and hotels in and near Reno. Please!
Check these places out before you go; if 40,000 other Burners hit town before you do, these stores may have been emptied out.
- Table of Contents for the Reno pages
- The Civilized Explorer Reno Supplies Shopping Page *
- Information where to stock up on supplies before the Burn: clothes, groceries, ice, and more. In addition to listing stores by type, we list them by freeway exit and by casino.
- 24/7 Reno*
- Where to shop in Reno 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Supplies Shopping Page Other Than Reno*
- Lots of good stuff outside Reno.
- The Reno Stayover Page*
- Cheap lodging, convenient lodging, jacuzzis, kitchenettes, laundromats.
- Reno Rentals*
- If you are flying into Reno or otherwise getting there without all the
gear you need, Reno Rentals will help you locate what you need. Aerial lifts,
water tanks, generators, light towers, and more!
- Reno RV*
- Where to rent them, where to park them (hint: the casinos love RVers).
- Reno Auto Repair Page
- Where to get your car fixed in Reno -- electrical, radiator, transmissions, mobile (they come to you), and more.
- Travel Info and Auto Repairs Outside Reno
- Our cleverly titled page lists a few service stations in Lovelock, Winnemucca, Truckee, and Carson City which (during 2005 at least) had weekend hours.
- Reno Radio Stations
- A list of stations to listen to while you are somewhere around Reno.
- Twin City Surplus
- Tons of gear you will not find anywhere else; located in Reno. Three pages with lots of photos, so be sure to read them all. TCS has been renovated, so shopping is a lot easier in 2005.
- Disposing of Your Trash
- Photos of the Reno Transfer Station, where you can dump your load into the primordial ooze of time and watch it bulldozed into the maw of eternity; information on the Lockwood Landfill -- not as exciting as the RTS. UPDATED for 2009 recycling program.
- Nevada
- The Civilized Explorer Travel Information Page on Nevada, and particularly
the Reno/Tahoe/Sparks area, with links the airport, restaurants, and places to
- The Civilized Explorer Reno Page
- All these links on a white background and no other clutter.
- Preparation - Reno
- BMOrg's excellent Web page on shoppping in Reno. Stores are listed by location and exit, with tags on Google maps.
- BURNcast
- BURNcast has .m4a recordings by Burners about the Burn and other Burners. The files include not only sound, but links and images. BURNcast is up to about 4 dozen interviews (as of June 2007), and they are as varied as we Burners are.
- Campers feel the burn at Black Rock
- Burning Man gets the lush, travel magazine treatment from Nevada magazine.
- Clean Living
- Interview with BLM's public affairs officer confirms that Burning Man leaves no trace.
- Working for the Man
- Interview with BLM's Black Rock Desert National Recreation Area states that other groups are now held to a higher standard because the people of the DPW "do a phenomenal job of leaving no trace."
- The Great Convergence
- 1999 saw a confluence of influence at Burning Man. Forbes ran an article on
the event and published its Big Issue IV, getting it all wrong. Muhammed
Ali got it right, though.
- Evil female pissers
- A Salon article about the ladies who tinkle on the toilet seat -- so
stop it already!
- Burning Man Grows Up
- Yeah, right. One quote from the article: "Do not touch Mr. Harvey, do not
speak to Mr. Harvey, do not look at Mr. Harvey," a gunman shouted through a
megaphone. "Move along." A very good article on the trials and tribulations
of growth. Recommended.
- BLM - Winnemucca - Burning Man
- The Bureau of Land Management has a Web site about Burning Man. Lots of
great photos, but it looks like there's a UFO in every one. Does anybody else
see this?
- National Public Radio
- All Things Considered does Burning Man -- and gets it right. This is a
RealAudio report, about 8 minutes long, containing a brief interview with Larry
Harvey. Summary: Burning Man is about art, creativity, and freedom from
- Wired Culture News
- At last! An article that seriously covers the art at Burning Man. An
excellent article on the really hard work required to do art on the playa.
Highly Recommended.
- The Press Discovers Burning Man
- First person stories on how to be an obnoxious jerk, how to alienate naked
women, how to fit in, and how to be a real human being while carrying a video
- Yahoo Education Project
- How not to be a Yahoo at Burning Man. The articles are generally right on target when they nail the knuckleheads who are at the Burn to get, uh, well, you know. Explicit language, explicit illustrations, explicit directions on safe sex, manners among the naked, and radical self- expression.
- Stranded in Kansas
- A trip, discovery, and breakdown. Toto! We are in Kansas! Our anonymous contributor discovers Burning Man and the liberation of trust.
- Actually, I have a better idea
- Jim Mason proposes a solution to the unpleasantness in Iraq: Burning Man in Baghdad!
- Yes, Virginia, there is a Burning OSHA
- A look back from 2008 at the history of Burning Man. Have a safe BM. (Written in 1999, when 2008 seemed oh, so far away.)
- Tales From the Bench -- "They Tell the Story to This
Day in Des Moines"
- It's not just on the playa that the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
impress people.
- The Disturbian Horde
- Debauchery and militaristic nationalism go unnoticed at Burning
Man, leading to gallons of wasted ammo. Bummer.
- Use Caution
- What really goes on while you are at Burning Man.
- How Not to Arrive
- Greg's woeful tail of travail upon arriving at Burning Man during the heat
of the day.
- Yahoos Are Not a Pretty Sight
- Yahoos are the curse of Burning Man. Do not be a Yahoo.
- Speaking of horrible brewing practices...
- A wonderful story of diesel and unrequited r e s p e c t
- A, uh, drug- addled fantasy that might be one person's experience at
Burning Man 1997. Or maybe not. Who can tell?
- Burning Mind at Burning Man
- An excellent report on what BM'96 was like; contains some references to
recreational use of drugs; profanity.
- WAAH! The Urban Legend of Burning Man
- Fiction is stranger than truth, man. Contains profanity.
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- The ultimate drug- addled tale of adventure in Nevada by Hunter S. Thompson, the ultimate gonzo journalist. If only he had covered BM. (John Waters, where are you?)
How to achieve shade and live in style on the Playa
- Starplate shelter
- A set of photos of a Stromberg starplate building using tarp and aluminet. Ryan says he can put it up by himself with only a ladder and that the shelter fits in a car (6-foot trusses, though).
- A Hexayurt on the Playa
- A shade structure made from cardboard, insulating covering, and tape.
- Pulltruded G-10: Better than PVC?
- We have a suggestion for an alternative to PVC, ABS, and metal conduit.
- Tarps on the Playa
- An email exchange discussing shade both planned and executed, with links
to resources and to photos from years past.
- Desert Structures
- Bob Stahl's page has a serious discussion of structure security on
the playa. Tons of links to excellent resources. Be sure to follow the "here,
here, and here" links in his "Desert Storms" paragraph. Oh, and look at the
rest of his site, too. Recommended.
- Thor Tarp
- (A division of Odin, by the way.) This site features heavy duty tarps for
heavy duty commercial applications (clean rooms, trailer covers for debris,
landfill covers). Choose opaque for your shade roof and "shade" for your side
walls to let the wind through but block some sun.
- Tarps Plus Canopies
- Canopy sets, including cover, frame, and fittings. Prices are reasonable, but consider assembling your own frame from a local source to save heavy shipping costs. Tarps are sold per carton only; a dozen 10 x 10 foot tarps cost US$132 per carton, plus shipping. A dozen people splitting the costs get a tarp each for under $12 plus a twelfth of the shipping. One 10 x 10 foot canopy with frame costs US$120, with a shipping weight of 75 pounds.
- The Construction of a Yurt
- Helpful tips and drawings on how to build a yurt; hints on what to do when
things go wrong.
- Building shade Shelter talk.
- Sadie gives a flexible view of shade.
- Parachute Homes on the Playa
- Argyre Patras tells us how to make shade in the desert.
- Max Icon's PVC Adventure
- maxicon tells us how he made shade in the desert.
- Moebius's Parachute Structure
- Moebius adds to the mix with metal electrical conduit in lieu of PVC.
- ABS Pipe Instead of PVC
- A discussion of the relative merits of ABS vis- a- vis PVC for holding up
your humble abode.
- Flying Flags and Banners
- One person's use of PVC to loft a banner at Burning Man.
All images are copyright © 1996 - 2007 The Civilized Explorer. All rights reserved. For permission for use, see http://www.cieux.com/copyright.html.
| 1996 | 1997 | 1998
| 1999 | 2000 | 2001
| 2002 | 2003 | 2004
| 2005 | 2006 | 2007
| 2008 | 2009 | 2010
| 2011 | 2012 | 2013
- 2014 Fashion Show

- We had stencils and temporary tattoos this year in addition to fashion.
- Fashion Show
- Louise embroidered and re-worked lots of thrift store fashion over the year between
Burns, and here are some of the results.
- The Aerialist
- An aerialist performed at Burning Man. Because of a costume malfunction (or not)
we've password protected the file. Enter burningMan when asked.
- Art on the Playa
- There was an incredible amount of art this year; someone from the Artery told us they had more art this year than ever before.
- The playa at night
- Photos of night time goings on.
- The Man Burns
- Photos and videos of Burn Night.
- Playa views
- Photos and videos from around Black Rock City and its suburbs.
- People on the playa
- Some of the interesting people we met during the 2013 Burn
- Weather and Haze
- Our weather was remarkably mild at the beginning of the week, probably because of the smokey haze from a nearby forest fire.
- After sunset the playa catches fire
- Fire arts on the playa. High-definition video at Vimeo.
- Art cars at the Burn
- Some of the art cars we saw this year.
- Reno Photos
- Photos of our trip to and from and time well spent in Reno for the 2012 Burn
- Redditors at Burning Man
- There was a Reddit meet-up during a dust storm this year
- PG&E
- We volunteer for the PG&E department, keeping hippies out and trying to make Exodus as smooth as possible.
- Fashion show
- We gave away clothes this year, and here are some of the happy people with their wears.
- CORE burns
- Various regional burn groups brought things to burn
- The Temple of Juno - walls
- Photos of the walls in the Temple of Juno
- Playa Views
- Views from around the playa during the 2012 event.
- Art Cars
- Art cars we saw on the playa in 2012
- Protected gallery
- Only one entry so far: an art piece with a Burner walking around with an open shirt. The password is burningMan if you want to see the "Tree of Transformation."
- The Man burns
- Photos and videos of the Man before and after the Burn
- The Art of 2012
- Photos and videos of the wonderful art on the playa this year.
- Fashion on the Playa
- Photos of this 2011's fashion show.
- General photos and videos
- More photos and videos of the entire event
- Other videos from 2011
- And still more videos of the event, plus a comparison of camping clusters on Tuesday before the Burn and Tuesday after.
- Quarter-hour HD video from stills and video of
the 2011 Burn.
- Art on the Playa
- Our photos and videos of this year's art.
- The Man Burns
- Photos and video of the Burn in a dust storm.
- People on the playa
- Some photos and video of our fellow Burners.
- Play views
- Various views of the wide open playa and some of the goings on
- Art Cars, Burning Man 2010
- Photos and video of art cars at the 2010 Burn
- Hipster Fedoras
- Hipster fedoras were definitely the new black at Burning Man in 2010. Everybody was wearing one.
- Fashion Show for 2010
- Photos of our lovely models in their lovely clothes - even though it hit a hundred degrees that afternoon.
- Playa Views
- Views of the playa, art, and the Man
- Temple Sentiments
- Some of the sentiments expressed at the Temple
- People
- People we saw on the playa
- Louise's photos
- Louise's excellent photos from 2009
- Our camp
- We always forget to show photos of our set up. These photos show our shade, the van, and our tent for 2008.
- The Fashion Show [NOTE: full nudity and top-free models; password is burningMan to view the gallery]
- Our campmates
- We camped in Hushville again, and here are some photos of our campmates.
- Louise's night shots
- Louise's stunning nighttime photos at Burning Man
- Playa views
- Playa views includes photos of people we saw. Some hints of nudity, but no password.
- Playa art
- Some of the people on or around the art are top-free, but no password.
- The Default World
- Some photos from our return to Black Top City.
- The return to civilization
- Your Civilized Explorer team shows our sense of civilized fashion off and on the playa with clothes and accoutrement suitable anywhere.
- Playa music
- Some of the artists we captured on tape
- Playa nudity
- Password is burningMan - full nudity and fetish
- Hi-def video of Ashokan Farewell
- Requires big bandwidth and a fast computer - if it stutters in playback, it's the computer.
- Hi-def video of Dixon's Violin performance
- Requires big bandwidth and a fast computer - if it stutters in playback, it's the computer.
- YouTube videos from the Burn
- Video clips of Burning Man
- Dust storms, the Man reborn, parachute drops, and more.
- Fashion show
- Photos of our glamorous models.
- Protected video clips
- Clips and still photos that contain nudity and require the password: burningMan
- The Artist
- Although the official theme was Green Man, this was a steam punk year, and this artist is painting a steam punk tree house in Victorian attire.
- Locomotion
- In keeping with the theme, much of the locomotion on the playa this year was pedal-powered.
- Playa views
- Views of the playa, including much art.
- Charred Man
- Photos of the charred Man after the pre-burn burn, along with some recovery shots. See video of the Man's rebirth at the video clips link first above.
- Night shots
- Shots taken at - wait for it - night.
- People
- Photos of some lovely, interesting people at the 2007 Burn. (One bare bum, though.)
Top-free performances are noted with a password.
- Video clips featuring top-free people
- Samba do Sol knocked our socks off; other clips feature fire-dance rehearsals and more. Password is burningMan.
- Video clips
- Dust storms, dancers, dragons, da bomb, and more.
- Geek Fashion Show
- Drop-dead gorgeous people at the 2006 show.
- Art on the playa
- As always, there was a plethora of art at the Burn.
- People on the Playa
- Some of the fascinating people we saw on the playa.
- Top-free people
- Tutus and less. Password: burningMan
- Views of the playa
- Damage
- After the dust storm blew through, we found some damage from flying shade structures.
- Nights and sunsets
- Some excellent photos of fire dancers, moving art, and more.
- Lake Lahontan Yacht Club
- Photos from the pier.
NOTE: Some of the photos show people in various stages of dress and in costumes which some may find provocative -- that's what Burning Man is all about.
- Fashion Show
- Fabulous fashions, fabulous people!
- Staffers
- Incredibly hardworking people who make Burning Man happen.
- Antennas
- Although the playa is ostensibly power-free, many people supply their own, and the campsites are rife with RF antennas for various purposes.
- N7B
- Special Event Station N7B was in operation during the event. If you think you have operated under adverse conditions, try an outdoor shack at Burning Man.
- Video clips
- Video clips of Joan Baez singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" in honor of the people of New Orleans, burning art, burning people, and a butterfly.
- People
- Tons of photos of the fascinating people we saw at Burning Man in 2005. (Password: nakedpeople)
- Views of the Playa
- Views of the vast expanse of the playa and some people who were in it, along with shots of the several dust storms we had.
- Art of the 2005 Burn
- The art at this year's Burn.
- Machines
- Some of the machines are for work, some for art, some for pleasure.
- Night Shots
- Photos from the night.
- Burning Man Support personnel
- The underappreciated people of the Burn.
- Naked People of 2004
- Some more and less dressed people at this year's Burn. The password is burningMan
- Lovely People
- Some of the lovely people at the 2004 Burn.
- Medical situations
- Treatment of an ingrown nail and a spider bite. Major issues, right?
- Art
- Photos of some of the art on the playa
- Playa views
- 1 rm/playa vw
- Burning Man video clips
- For some reason we got an autographed photo of George and Laura. So what did we do with it? Are we Burners? YES! See it go up in flames. Four clips from Burning Man, including Burning W! The password is bmVideo -- copy and paste, please. Also a dust storm, the temple, and the Man.
- Head shots
- Fourteen photos of some of our friends and acquaintances at this year's event. We missed many of the people we wanted to photograph, and one roll of film came back completely blank. (The 14 photos are spread over two pages of thumbnails.)
- People
- A few photographs of some fascinating people we met on the playa.
- Art at the 2003 Burn
- We have defined art broadly and include some major transportation pieces and even some people as art this year. Twenty-one photos for you to see.
- Views at the playa
- Views of the playa, the Man, and a couple of dust storms. Eighteen items for your viewing pleasure, including the pyro crew loading the Man for the Burn.
- Da Burn itself
- An even dozen pictures of the Burn, before, during, and after the Man's ischemic event.
- Other men on the playa
- There were other replicas on the playa in addition to the Man himself. Eight photos of other men on the playa.
- QT videos
- A QuickTiime video clip of Louise in the giant chair and a 360-degree panorama of the playa at sunset.
- The Burn
- Eleven images of the Burn itself, plus a couple of the celebration
- Burning Man 2002
- Seventeen photos of the pyro procession, the burn, and our second
advertisement at the event.
- More photos 2002
- Twenty-one more of our favorite photos from the Burn. Full frontal nudity on some photos. Password is burningMan
- Photos of us
- Burning Man 2001
- (NOTE: All burn photos from 1996 through 2001 have been collected on smugmug to save space.)
- Dust
- Dust was a defining element in 2001, so we have seven photos of
invisible vistas.
- Louise's favorite photos
- Nine of Louise's favorite photographs from the 2001 Burn.
- Transportation 2001
- Eighteen photographs of how people got around in style at the 2001 Burn.
- Professional photographers at Burning Man
- A half dozen photographs of photographers out doing their job.
- More Art
- We have more photos of art at Burning Man, and the harsh dust storms made
the works even more remarkable.
- The Temple of Tears
- A temple to oneness and catharsis.
- Burning Man 2000
- (NOTE: All burn photos from 1996 through 2001 have been collected on smugmug to save space.)
- Technology at Burning Man 2000
- Five images of some of the advanced technology at BM this year.
- Art at Burning Man 2000
- Two pages of some of the art at Burning Man that fascinated us.
- Sister Dana Does Burning Man 2000
- Sister Dana was unfortunately unable to attend BM this year, so we gave her
a virtual tour. Shows naked people; some poses and costumes are, uh, well, er
-- Hey! It's Burning Man.
- The Weather at BM2K
- Photos of glorious sunsets, wonderful cloud shadows on mountains, and sucky
dust storms.
- People at Burning Man 2000
- Some people we met at this year's Burn.
- Bare People at Burning Man 2000
- Some people we met who had less on -- some nudity.
- Burning Man Burns
- (NOTE: All burn photos from 1996 through 2001 have been collected on smugmug to save space.)
- Moving pictures
- We have added a page with a 360-degree panorama and QuickTime movies for
you watch. Pop up some popcorn while you wait.
- Shrine of the Dessicated Rats
- The mystery of the Man is laid to rest.
- The Porta-Potties of Washoe County
- Although we thought the porta-pottie situation was better than last year,
some people in the lines complained. Some creative people had, uh, solutions.
- We the PEOPLE!
- Three pages of people that fascinated us at Burning Man.
- People with Less
- Some people did not seem to make it to Burning Man with all their clothes
this year -- strange.
- Art at Burning Man 1999
- Two pages of the art at Burning Man that blew us away. The public art was
the best we have seen at Burning Man, and there was much more of it this year.
People have learned how to use the playa as space for their works.
- A View from the Playa
- Various scenes from the huge expanse of Black Rock Playa; fire, dogs,
signs, and portents of The Great Convergence.
- Burning Man Burns
- (NOTE: All burn photos from 1996 through 2001 have been collected on smugmug to save space.)
- The Art of Burning Man 1998
- Seven items of art on the playa, one a presidential obscenity.
- The zen of Burning Man
- Our favorite artwork of 1998.
- Naked People of Burning Man 1998
- What would Burning Man be without naked folks and the people who photograph
them. Some in sheer clothes, some topless, some full frontal nudity. She
wore a lovely and talented foil g-string and bra as she set fire to the shroom.
- Party Time at Burning Man
- Photographs of party goers at Burning Man -- style on the playa is
de rigeur, or something like that.
- The Man Burns: 1997
- Photographs of the burning of the Man. (NOTE: All burn photos from 1996 through 2001 have been collected on smugmug to save space.)
- Burning Man 1997
- All 83 photos of Burning Man have been consolidated at this link. There is full frontal nudity, so the gallery is password protected. The password is burningMan
- The following links are intentionally dead.
- The People of Burning Man 1997
- A dozen photographs of some of the people we found interesting.
- More People of Burning Man
- More than a dozen more photos of some of the people at Burning Man. These
photos are segregated because there is some nudity.
- The Art of Burning Man 1997
- We have defined art rather broadly and included transportation, banners,
marionettes, and more. Living itself rises to art at Burning Man.
- Tattoo U.
- These people obviously have degrees in Tattoo. Top- free women, tattoos,
pierced body parts -- good stuff!
- Art Cars, Page 1
- People at Burning Man do strange things to cars. Hints of
naked people, but nothing from the front.
- Art Cars, Page 2
- More (or less) of the same.
- Weird People on the Playa
- Several pictures of people, some of whom are truly weird, and some
of whom are just dressed strangely for a desert. Nudity.
- Just Nice Folks
- Many of the people who attended BM'96 were nice folks without tattoos or
outrageous costumes, and we did not want to leave them out. Other nice
folks are also pictured in other pages.
- The Man Burns: 1996
- Photographs from the burning of the actual Man. (NOTE: All burn photos from 1996 through 2001 have been collected on smugmug to save space.)
This is not the official Burning Man site. That Web site
is located at
The Burning Man Project.
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All contents of The Civilized Explorer Burning Man are Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 , 2005, 2006, 2007 The Civilized Explorer. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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